Monday, July 26

Peanut Butter Dreams X Chocolate Reality

Tomorrow Yesterday afternoon felt like some kind of beautiful dream. I had visited a UK gaming website and happened upon the announcement of Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online Edition. I haven't been able to play through the third installment in the Street Fighter franchise anywhere near as much as I wanted to back in the day. Experienced only via Street Fighter Anniversary Collection on the original Xbox, most of my time with this game was spent battling the d-pad on Microsoft's unwieldy controllers rather than actual opponents. The news only got better from there.

Already compared by Kotaku to the joyous union of peanut butter and chocolate, Street Fighter X Tekken and Tekken X Street Fighter may serve to end a few arguments, and create many an unforgettable knock out. It's already obvious that Street Fighter X Tekken will be the horse to back. Using the artistic direction of Street Fighter IV, as well as the 2D orientation for battle, SFXT will be the Capcom fighting fan's game of choice. It also appears as though there will be a tag team element to this fighter, however given reports that a retail release is two years away, I probably shouldn't get too excited about that yet.

As for what Tekken X Street Fighter means for fighting game fans is yet to be deciphered. While it is reported to play more like Tekken (obviously), the mechanics behind the hadouken in a 3D environment are yet to be revealed. I hypothesize that it will be similar to the flash of light seen in the regrettable (so bad it's awesome) 1994 film interpretation starring Jean-Claude Van Damme (about 35 seconds into the video below). Pax Bisonica! If not, it will be probably be a charged, unblockable move with lots of pyrotechnics.


Just when I thought that I had seen it all, Thor has since been added to the roster of Marvel VS Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds. I normally prefer my Street Fighter experience to be less on the crazy side, but sometimes you need to super jump over your opponent and hit them with a Level 3 Hyper Combo Finish!

What is your dream crossover event? Mine is already on the cards!


  1. That sounds so rad it is not funny! I can't wait to annihilate your Ryu with Law!!! LOLOLOLOLOL

  2. Will not happen friend, Street Fighter for the perfect win. Flawless Victory!

  3. Ken your Face off Law - Tekken x Street Fighter may prove a different story though, but capcoms iteration will be awesome no doubt.

  4. You all say that now. I am unbeatable!!!!!! But my god they are going to be awesome, and why are they not out now.

    And also, the wolf gfrom Okami is in MVC3!!!!! That game looks so damn crazy.

  5. Well the best game will be Mass Effect VS Dead Space but I wont hold my Breath.

    Damn itd be sweet though.

  6. Massively Dead Effective Space? Could happen (at least in so far as some themed DLC for either DS2 or ME3). EA has already mixed Skate and Dead Space, wouldn't hurt for the two space franchises to clash in future.

  7. Hang on, Skate and Dead Space was mixed? When and what is the name of said game???

  8. Skate 3 - Isaac from Dead Space is a DLC character

  9. Wow, I did not know this. Speaking of which, I am going to pick it up. I liked Skate 2, and spent ages just fucking around on it, so I assume I could so the same with Skate 3.
